donderdag 19 februari 2009

Dead dogs

Well one is alive, but hey.

maandag 16 februari 2009

zondag 15 februari 2009

summer job of the year

They'll pay you in black though.
I like the letters, the rest will follow.


I wanted to know how a hoodie works. now I do. I was happier when only the upper part was blue, but real life can't go crtl + alt + Z. It's still nice ^^

woensdag 11 februari 2009

this gets my schoolwork done too.
No sketch yesterday? I'll put up one more today then. This one looks wicked in color by the way. but hey, it's all sketches here. ^^

maandag 9 februari 2009

zondag 8 februari 2009

zaterdag 7 februari 2009