donderdag 28 mei 2009


I just found out that using a gradient map adjustement layer to turn your pencil sketches into a workable grayscale thingy might be a better way that bothering with horrid things such as the levels. (that was a bloody long sentence) YAY. seriously, it works way better for me. but if anyone has a better idea, please feed me you precious knowledge..

dinsdag 26 mei 2009

Comic stuff

This scary man is part of a short comic for school. I hope to show you more soon.

zondag 24 mei 2009

Deal with the devil

quick and dirty and fancy star-shaped brushes.

zaterdag 23 mei 2009

What the kids want

I don't recall ordering muffins.

vrijdag 22 mei 2009

Live your life

What are you doing behind this computer anyway?

donderdag 21 mei 2009


I like markers. Never tought I would, thanks to traumatic youth-experiences with the type they give you when you are a kid.

woensdag 20 mei 2009


If life deals you doom, you make doomcake.

dinsdag 19 mei 2009

More fish

"What is up with the fish?" you might ask. To which I can only reply "I don't know sir, unless it is some wierd freudian thing that I'm blissfully unaware of." In the meantime, I'm learning to draw fish. In painter, because of BRUSHESSSSSSSS .
"What else is up?" you probably won't ask, but if you did, I'd tell you that I'm working on this project that is a step in me becoming a tattoo-artist. The plan is to draw stuff. Like fish.

maandag 18 mei 2009


Design for a friend.