zondag 29 maart 2009

Painter X 4

"charcoal". It doesn't look like it, and despite the tilt sensitivity (or maybe because of it) I'm just not feeling the love today. No sir.

zaterdag 28 maart 2009

Painter X 3

I kinda liked the first ones better. But the main goal is the get to know the brushes.. Anyway, It's a fish.

vrijdag 27 maart 2009


drawing on the train. she looked interesting, and didn't leave, so I drew till my stop. 
It looks nice in color, because her shirt was atomic blue or something. But first lunch, then color.

donderdag 26 maart 2009


A class doodle. color would be fun, but won't cover up the mistakes.

dinsdag 24 maart 2009

more Painter X

The dots... they are calling me...

maandag 23 maart 2009

"painter x"

Sounds like some kind of stupid superhero.

woensdag 18 maart 2009

maandag 9 maart 2009

onion lady

She wears a mask she is an onion and a man and a beast.

zondag 8 maart 2009

graveyard fauna.

Dead humans > worms > grass > rabbits > owl = Fun times skating next to the graveyard.
Also, it's fun to freak Lars out.

zaterdag 7 maart 2009

Cat problem solved ^^ 

I had a cat problem. 

maandag 2 maart 2009

More evil stuff happening to things.

this photo is 5 years old or something, and some stuff happened to it. Thats why it looks all cool now.

wacom test

I did something evil to my beloved tablet, so I tested if it still did it's thing.
Apart from some spastic fits when scrolling at times, it's fine.